Merry Christmas!

Guys, Thanksgiving is so last week. Don’t get me wrong, I will continue to be very thankful (even if I did skip a thanksgiving post…oops), but it’s now time for one of my top three (along with Fourth of July & Homecoming) favorite holidays: Christmas.

Of course, as you know, I like receiving presents (ahem, mom). But that is most definitely not even close to the reason I love Christmas so much.

First and foremost, it is the celebration of the birth of Christ! We all know how much I love birthdays, and celebrating the birthday of my Savior is just too great for words.

Second, I love all things glittery and sparkly. Every year until now, I’ve had a white & hot pink tree. This year, I went a little more traditional with a green pre-lit tree, and I still need to get a few more ornaments, but I just love the twinkle of the lights. I might probably definitely even sleep with it on because I love it so much!

And let’s not forget the giving of gifts. One of my favorite things to do, any time of year, is find something that I think will make someone important to me happy and give it to them. It could be as silly as a funny picture to text them or as random as something I know they’ve been wanting or as exciting as tickets to a game or as delicious as their favorite foods. It doesn’t matter to me what I give, I just love selecting and giving things to bring happiness.

Let me tell you a little secret: I’m terrible (clearly) at keeping secrets though. Which is a reason I immediately have to give people presents when I buy them! Christmas presents are definitely difficult for me to keep quiet about, no matter if they are silly or awesome. In fact, one of the presents under my tree is my mom’s and she already knows exactly what it is because I was bragging to her about everything I bought and she called me on buying this present. But you, blog friends, I am determined not to tell you what this present is, even though I almost typed it three times. I will keep every other present a secret from the receiver. I hope. Haha.

Anyway, as I type this, I sit right next to my tree, surrounded by ribbon and bows (which, in my opinion, no Christmas present is complete without), tape and wrapping paper. I was just so excited that I HAD to stop what I was doing (wrapping more presents from day 1 of my shopping adventures) and share with you immediately.


What is your favorite part of the holiday? I’m quite sure I’ll share more of my favorite things about Christmas time as the month goes on (but no present secrets!).

Hairy Bear

My cousin JerBear is “home” from school for the weekend and mentioned he needed a haircut this evening. Being adventurous, I offered to do it for him. He quickly accepted, not realizing I’ve only given “haircuts” to show lambs. It turned out okay though, and now I’m basically a professional. Who’s next?
